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Traka - Key Cabinets
Traka - Key Cabinets

Traka - Key Cabinets

Traka's intelligent key cabinets offer an advanced security solution to secure, control and manage keys for any organization. Through advanced system design and technology, Traka offers a wide range of key cabinets designed to meet the needs and size of your organization. Traka products and software give you a complete solution to provide fully-controlled access to buildings, facilities, secure areas, equipment, machinery, lockers and vehicles through an advanced key storage and management system.

  • Ensure keys are available 24/7.
  • Restrict key access to authorized users only.
  • Instantly know who accessed a key, and when.
  • Identify keys that have not been returned.
  • Determine frequency of use of a particular key and for how long.
  • Produce detailed audit reports and usage information.
  • Receive notifications via email or SMS text.
  • Centrally manage systems across multiple remote sites.
  • Easy integration with 3rd-party platforms for ease of administration and the ability to drive processes.
  • M-Series - manages up to 20 keysets
  • S-Series - manages up to 60 keysets
  • L-Series - manages up to 180 keysets
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Contact ADS for ordering information