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Thales - ClearConnect Vehicle Package (C2VP) Open Architecture Communications Network for Land, Air, and Sea
Thales - ClearConnect Vehicle Package (C2VP) Open Architecture Communications Network for Land, Air, and Sea

Thales - ClearConnect Vehicle Package (C2VP) Open Architecture Communications Network for Land, Air, and Sea

Thales - ClearConnect Vehicle Package (C2VP) is a low-risk data communications solution that interfaces with robotic air, ground, and water-borne vehicles to generate and distribute critical, real-time assured communications across infantry platoons and leadership for fast, reliable decision-making that reduces risk to soldiers and improves mission effectiveness. C2VP also features technology insertions that demonstrate the ability to host robotic Artificial Intelligence (AI) Virtual Machines (VMs); onboard encoding and transcoding technology to move streaming video through the network; a user interface and network health API; and an LPI/LPD transport layer. These insertions will add valuable combat multipliers to the data/communications architecture, moving the system of systems architecture in support of the dismounted infantry platoon. The best way to increase the lethality, mobility, protection, situational awareness (SA), endurance, persistence, and depth of the dismounted infantry platoons is to implement the necessary data/communication architecture on robotic platforms, and enable their sensor packages to integrate with and transport data/communications that survey and report on areas of interest. This reliable, real-time data will reduce risk to the soldier and provide a force multiplier to combat operations. With both LOS and BLOS, Network CFT-based Integrated Tactical Network (ITN) solutions, Thales provides an architecture that can support the infantry platoon across all operational environments, and mitigate terrain features with the ability to leverage the tactical LOS network and BLOS transport layers.

Expeditionary Mission Command:
  • Open architecture communication network, lightweight, mobile, and vehicle agnostic
  • Automated P.A.C.E with multi-layer transport: LOS, HCLOS, BLOS
  • Scalable system from brigade to platoon level: SBU and SAB enclaves
  • 10-level user interface with health and network management API
  • 2Ð15 hours of silent watch run time
Data Communications Architecture for Robotic Platforms:
  • ITN based architecture built for multi-domain operations
  • Payload and sensor aggregation for network transport
  • LPI, LPD, and anti-jam capabilities
  • Transportability of any layer 3 IP based data
  • Integrated video encoding and transcoding