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Teledyne FLIR - Cerberus Surveillance System
Teledyne FLIR - Cerberus Surveillance System

Teledyne FLIR - Cerberus Surveillance System

Cerberus is a rugged, trailer-based integrated long-range mobile surveillance system that rapidly deploys in austere and environmentally challenging environments to provide unmanned remote perimeter surveillance for weeks at a time. Available in multiple range configurations, Cerberus also networks its sensors with other Cerberus units, FLIR vehicles, and command and control nodes, providing unparalleled wide-area perimeter security capability. Built to support force protection, border surveillance, ISR, and target tracking as well as long-range perimeter security, Cerberus integrates radar and visible/thermal camera payloads ranging up to 30 km with slew-to-cue of cameras to radar tracks. Laser designator, laser range finder, laser pointer, and illuminator provide other personnel, vehicles, and C2 systems with target bearing and geo-reference coordinates to identify precise location and direction of the target. HD EO/IR and FMCW radar provide 360¡ long-range threat detection out to 30 km. Combine mid-wave infrared (MWIR) with visible/lowlight cameras, near IR and/orSWIR to cover up to four spectral bands. With integrated CameleonTM Tactical, it tracks the blending of multiple sensors, slew-to-cue of camera to radar, mapping functionality, zone management, video archiving/distribution and alarms. With multiple power options, run Cerberus on a generator, battery, shore power, or solar power.