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Optics 1 - ECOTI
Optics 1 - ECOTI
Optics 1 - ECOTI

Optics 1 - ECOTI

ECOTI adds a thermal overlay to the image intensified (I2) NVD scene without modification of existing hardware. It is used in extreme low-light, no-light or foliated conditions where I2 devices are limited. ECOTI improves situational awareness and increases threat detection capabilities. Its low-power consumption, thermal sensor technology and high-performance optics integrate seamlessly to provide long-wave infrared capability. With the ability to mount on NVDs with a bracket, the need to refit helmets with special equipment is eliminated. It also comes in two configurations, one with an internal battery and one with external battery.

ECOTI has HUD (Heads Up Display) capability that provides real-time, geo-referenced navigation/route execution. When used with Android devices, the NVD becomes a remote display for identifying teammates, targets and route points.
ECOTI Configuration supporting PVS-31
*other configurations PN are avaialble.