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Liteye - T-AUDS (Trailer - Anti-UAS Defense System)
Liteye - T-AUDS (Trailer - Anti-UAS Defense System)

Liteye - T-AUDS (Trailer - Anti-UAS Defense System)

The T-AUDS integrates the battle-proven Anti-UAS Defense System (AUDS) into a highly maneuverable and configurable light-weight self-contained platform that can be easily transported using most commercially available pickup trucks with a standard eight-foot bed or a standard length LTT-F (Light Tactical Flat Deck Trailer) trailer. The AUDS system, including all supporting equipment and components is contained in an 11-foot x 6-foot aluminum and stainless-steel enclosure. The T-AUDS is optimized for rapid deployment and defense of any location and may be used in remote or urban areas to prevent UAS being used for terrorist attacks, espionage or other malicious activities against sites with critical infrastructure.

  • AUDS provides multiple layers of C-UAS defeat protocol
  • AUDS supports all-domain operations Ð Land, Air, Sea, Space, Electro-Magnetic
  • Integration with all domain Command and Control
  • Designed for rapid deployment by minimal personal
  • Onboard power generation
  • Fiber optic interface panel with network capabilities
  • Fits in most 8 ft pickup truck beds, standard HMMWV trailer
SPECS: Weight: 4200 lbs Size: 11Õ x 6Õ Power: 120 VAC, 240 VAC shore power, Diesel fuel generator Operation: Single operator operation Portability: Fits in most 8 ft pickup truck beds, standard HMMWV trailer