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Genasys - LRAD Mobile Sound Shield
Genasys - LRAD Mobile Sound Shield

Genasys - LRAD Mobile Sound Shield

The LRAD MSS broadcasts powerful warning tones and highly intelligible voice commands in a 360 degree radius out to 100 meters.

Using optimized drive and waveguide technology, the LRAD MSS surrounds an equipped vehicle with an acoustic security barrier and an attention-commanding capability.

The LRAD MSS warning tone is a safer alternative to kinetic measures for preventing security incidents from escalating.

Featuring noise-dampening technology that significantly reduces audio levels inside a vehicle from 20-30 dB, LRAD MSS audit levels are reduced an additional 10-20db by vehicle windows and the roof of which is is mounted.

Safe even at maximum audio, the LRAD MSS secures vehicles and passengers, and provides instant exterior communication from within the safety of the vehicle.
