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B.E. Meyers & Co., Inc. - GLARE HELIOS
B.E. Meyers & Co., Inc. - GLARE HELIOS

B.E. Meyers & Co., Inc. - GLARE HELIOS

The GLARE HELIOS is the only Class 1M ocular interruption device that is FDA approved for use by local, state, and federal law enforcement in the United States.

Our patented SmartRange technology and proven Hail and Warning capability have been integrated into the GLARE HELIOS to affect an immediate, directional, and EyeSafe visual deterrent in excess of several thousand meters, and is ideal for maritime interdiction operations. The EyeSafe green beam sends a clear and undeniable visual signal that is effective at extreme ranges and in adverse conditions.

The GLARE HELIOS can be used in multiple configurations including hand-held, rail-mounted, or integrated into other non-lethal systems including remote station operation. The device has the optional feature of mounting a red dot optic for daytime aiming, as well as a shoulder stock mount for increased stability in rough conditions.
