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American Technologies Network Corporation - ThOR 4 Series ThermalImaging Weapon Sight
American Technologies Network Corporation - ThOR 4 Series ThermalImaging Weapon Sight

American Technologies Network Corporation - ThOR 4 Series ThermalImaging Weapon Sight

ATN's "state-of-the-art" ThOR 4 Series ThermalImaging Weapon Sights are light weight, powerfuland extremely cost efficient rifle scopes developedwith our cutting edge "Dual-Core" Thermal ImagingSensor. These ThOR 4 Thermal Smart-HD optics areavailable in "Light, Medium and Heavy" versions.Each system includes a built-in Ballistic Calculator,One Shot Zero feature, Smart Range finder,E-Compass, Mil Dot Reticle, Recoil Activated Video,"9" various Color Modes, plus a Profile Managerfeature. The ThOR 4's are procurable in 19mm,25mm, 50mm or 75mm lens sizes.
